Curlious Manchester Terrier History
Hi, I'm Kate, a home-based Manchester Terrier breeder near Moncton, New Brunswick. I knew I wanted to share my life with dogs since before our family welcomed our first dog in 1993 (a Siberian Husky), but my involvement in the world of purebred dogs kicked off when I brought home my first Chinese Crested in 2004. I registered my kennel name Curlious with the Canadian Kennel Club in 2006, and it was granted Permanent Registration in 2025. What does this mean?
Manchester Terriers are a newer venture for me; in 2020, I, like many others, was looking to make a meaningful contribution and help with a vulnerable low-numbers breed. Promoting the versatile Manchester has been a passion ever since. I'm so glad I inquired about the sleek black and tan terrier that most people never consider when looking for their next companion.
Get in touch!
Kate Barnett
Tel: (506) 233-2275 (That's 233-BARK!)
Located near Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

Club Affiliations and Memberships
- Canadian Kennel Club since 2006
- Secretary/Treasurer for the Canadian Manchester Terrier Club
- Director for the Moncton Kennel Club

My Responsibilities as a Breeder
I consider myself a responsible preservation breeder, and to me, that means I am accountable to my puppy buyers and the breed as a whole. I stand behind my puppies and will always take them back if their home situation changes. I am available to my puppy buyers in a mentorship role or simply offering support. I educate myself on genetics and advancements in health screening procedures. I plan each litter with the future in mind, not only this generation but generations to come. I show, train, and compete with my dogs in venues that confirm their capabilities and enrich their minds. I am an active member of my local all-breed kennel club, my National breed club, and my National Kennel Club. I abide by local and provincial by-laws about dog ownership and stay aware of policy changes. I share my knowledge freely with those who seek it. Finally, I am a student of the breed, always eager to learn more.
Remembering our Big Dog: The Afghan Hound
For my 30th birthday, I treated myself to a new challenge; an Afghan Hound, Castle! He wasn't much bigger than a crested when he arrived home from his breeders in Pennsylvania, but that didn't last long! Castle served as a sighthound ambassador, gentle protector and guardian of puppies, and tester of my grooming, training, and handling skills. His presence is greatly missed.

Am/Can CH Taji Curlious Dreams In Red MazShalna CGN NTD
CH Thaon's Starpower x CH MazShalna's Outlaw Torn Taji

Past Champion Chinese Cresteds
During my involvement with the Chinese Crested breed, I have had the pleasure of owning, breeding, and handling a variety of hairless and powderpuff Chinese Cresteds. Below are just a few of those dogs. Their accomplishments beyond being Canadian Champions include Best in Specialty Show, Best Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Show, numerous group placements, Canine Good Neighbour (CGN), and Rally Obedience. Many also achieved their Championship in the United States, and one went overseas to become a Champion in Sweden and Luxembourg!